Dealing with an Overly Demanding Boss

In a recent Forbes blog by Jacquelyn Smith, titled10 Tips For Dealing With An Overly Demanding Boss, I offered some thoughts and suggestions to help mitigate this type of bad boss behavior. I’d like to share them with you.

Here are some observations I made in this very useful article:

“An overly demanding boss doesn’t empathize or understand what’s required for you to deliver results, and he will keep pushing you until you take action,” says Lynn Taylor, a national workplace expert and author of Tame Your Terrible Office Tyrant; How to Manage Childish Boss Behavior and Thrive in Your Job.

…“Demanding bosses give you unreasonable deadlines, are not in tune with the hours it takes to meet objectives, won’t take the time to find out in advance what’s reasonable, can display little interest in your well-being, have trouble prioritizing, and give you little recognition when you do complete Herculean tasks,” (Taylor) says.

…“They may not take the time to see if you have the tools or information you need to accomplish your assignments, and can make themselves unapproachable so that your only option seems to be: just do it.”

If a demanding boss is affecting you at work, please see:10 Tips For Dealing With An Overly Demanding Boss at You’re not alone. More importantly, you can take steps to increase your job satisfaction – and stay sane!