TOT Taming Tips: Dealing with B.A.D.D.

Dear Lynn,
I’ve gone back to work after raising a son with ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder), but it’s like déjà vu. I feel like my new manager has ADD, too. He can’t concentrate and he can’t get projects off his desk. It was hard enough with my son, but now I have to work for someone like this. How can I get him to listen to me without tuning me out?

Hi Shelley:
I’m sorry to hear that your transition back to work hasn’t been an easy one, especially after what you went through with your son. I do think some managers are prone to what I call Boss Attention Deficit Disorder (or B.A.D.D. for short.) And at best, working for a boss who can’t focus is confusing and often harmful to the organization.

Your boss may not necessarily have ADD, but you do have only limited opportunities to engage him. Plan your interactions with him carefully. Be prepared before walking into his office. Limit your conversation to one issue at a time. Look him in the eye. Be clear, concise and positive. Make your communication compelling and exciting, and remember, humor will help to keep his attention. Also, a little incentive will help, “Boss, I just need five minutes of your time and then I’ll go get this project done!” Just accept that he will fade out on you occasionally. Take it in stride and give it your best shot!

Best Regards,

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