How to Talk Money in a Job Interview

There’s no doubt that talking salary is one of the more stressful aspects of job hunting. Timing is critical – bring it up with employers too early, you may turn them off entirely, but wait too long, you might never catch up to the market salary you deserve.

Knowledge is power when it comes to building your confidence for this step in the process. I recently talked to Business Insider about how you can feel better prepared for discussing salary. Here are some key tips:

  • Figure out if the employer is even interested in you. If you feel fairly certain there was no chemistry and a job offer isn’t in the cards, hold off on the salary discussion.
  • Do your homework. Before you make a fool of yourself or put anyone in an awkward position, do some research about your value in today’s market.
  • Consider your level of experience. It’s more customary to hold back on salary discussions if you’re entry level versus being a mid-manager with five to 10 years experience.
  • Listen to your gut. Job candidates often play it too safe and wait for the company to make the first move.
  • Wait until they start selling you on the job. There may come a moment in the process where you suddenly feel like the tables have turned and they’re selling you on working there.
  • Ease into it. Ask, “Would you be the right person to discuss salary with? (Pause.) If so, is this a convenient time to discuss it?”
  • Expect a vague answer. Be patient, because it may take the interviewer more time to get to know you before revealing information.
  • Be prepared for the question to be flipped back to you. If you’re asked about your current or recent salary, try to give a range first.
  • Have a threshold in mind. Know in advance the lowest salary you’d accept to lessen the chances of awkward exchanges.
  • Don’t obsess over the money. Focus more on why you’re excited about the opportunity and less on how much the salary will be.

For more tips that can help you feel empowered when talking salary, read the full article.