Make Your Career New Year’s Resolutions Work

Set Yourself Up for Success

While most people make some strides towards their New Year’s Resolutions, most are not 100 percent successful at achieving all of them. It’s human nature to be more positive at the start of something new – especially a new calendar year. But if you can stay vigilant year-round and keep your goals at the forefront all year, you’ll thrive in your career..

What are some of the most common work-related New Year’s resolutions? Most often, to more effectively follow one’s passions in job-seeking; prioritize better or work smarter in order to have more personal time; become a better communicator and presenter; reduce stress; and increase status and/or compensation level. But how can you achieve them?

My recent article at lists some suggestions for resolutions that would improve your career in the coming year, along with tips on how to make sure you successfully achieve your goal:

New Year’s resolutions can “stretch” you, but try to make them realistic so you set yourself up for success. Create broad goals and then subsets of more specific objectives that will get you there. Your timeframe is in your hands. Perhaps you can look at every workday as New Year’s – to remind you of your untapped potential.