TOT Taming Tips: Breaking Free From The Desk

Dear Lynn,
My boss relies on me for everything. He acts like a child and throws a fit if I even step away from my desk even for a second. The moment I return he asks me where I went and I why I left. I know that as a senior admin, he needs a lot of hands-on support from me, but he expects me to sit at my desk for ten hours straight every day! I’m not sure if there’s anything I can do but I’m hoping you can give me some advice.
–No More Non-Stop Work

Dear Non-Stop,
Your boss is displaying separation anxiety. Just like when a small child throws a tantrum when left alone, your boss somehow believes you are never coming back from that coffee break. Of course, the toddler might be placated with a teddy bear or a favorite cartoon. You, on the other hand, will need to find alternative security blankets.

Watch his patterns and plan ahead. Is he needier or moodier at certain times of the day? If so, you might want to adjust your schedule to be available then. Do certain things set him off? Consider “weaning” him from e-mails over the lunch hour, if bad news upsets him, or route his phone to voice-mail if you aren’t there to screen calls.

You need to establish ground rules, firmly but gently. Let him know that you need to take small breaks throughout the day and give him plenty of advanced warning as to when, and how long you will be away. Assure him that all of your work will be covered when you are gone, and then reinforce that by pointing out that “everything looks like it’s in good shape” when you return. If he still fears your departure, remind him that you will return shortly and will then help him with whatever problem he has.

This needs to be a gradual process. If you move too quickly, he may panic and be even more clingy. Although you sound like you are ready for a day off, start by taking short, scheduled breaks and slowly expanding your free time to normal levels. If all else fails, think about getting that teddy bear, after all.

Best regards,


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